Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tribe of Bat

My tribe seems to continually evolve.

Sometimes that brings me a bit of melancholy because I miss the connections that I used to have. I miss the in-jokes and the laughs. I miss the familiarity and the comfort that came from well-established connections. In truth, it gives me pause to try to build up a new tribe from similar seeds.

It is a fact though, that if I do not establish a new tribe, I will die in stagnation. My thoughts will be untested and my understanding will be lax. Without a new infusion of energy, my own flame will extinguish without as much as a sigh.

Meeting people and connecting with them isn’t that difficult, but to transform that connection into a friendship, that’s the rough part. I am wary of new people. My trust isn’t just freely offered anymore. I weigh and evaluate whether or not I want this new person in my life. I have to read their energy to see if it’s compatible with my own.

So, for those of you who are in my tribe, please understand that the placement is deliberate. It is special to me and reverent.

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