Sunday, October 2, 2016

Look to Become

I have heard it said that it is nothing,
This thing that we fear from our past darkness.
They say it is empty but I feel it
Now encapsulating everything.

Warping into infinity, I stretch.
Spaghettified in space-time, a still thing
That can only imagine a heart beat.

Frozen in my doldrums, as if resting,
Naked cruelty reveals its own starkness.
Movement ceases to exist within it.
Like it, I am now no more than nothing.


Morgan Dragonwillow said...

Love the photo and the poem, both creatively done. Is that a bunt cake pan or a chip and dip holder? Whatever it is, great job! Visiting from OctPoWriMo.

Entrebat said...

Thanks Morgan!