Friday, September 2, 2016

Clan is Clan

I used to have a strong tribe when I was younger. We were damn near immortal.

We were formed during what were supposed to be our college years. The core group were together since High School. We lasted for years through dedication and devotion to ourselves. It was good to know that I had that tribe when I needed them.

I needed them a lot. I still do.

Sadly, I moved well out of orbit. A couple of times tribesmen came to visit. I tried to reciprocate. Electronic and social media connections really didn’t pan out. Conversations dwindled to quick hits and unanswered emails.

I’m of the understanding that this is how life goes sometimes. I don’t like it, but that is the state of this older tribe. Frankly, I don’t know what to do to change it. I don’t know if it needs changing.

I know I miss my friends, but it seems that is me living in the past and holding onto nostalgia. I recognize that sadness and I am coming to grips with it. I still think of my lost clan often and with the fondness that is typical of an aged memory and missed camaraderie.

They will always hold a special place in my heart.

Clan is Clan, after all.

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