Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ways and Means

I seem to remember things differently when I was younger. Things didn’t seem so dramatic. Things didn’t seem so political. To my disappointment, history shows me that things were just as severe. It was I who was different.

Nixon was still the POTUS. The U.S. Congress passed an agreement allowing him to sell arms to Israel. He also asks for more funding to support Cambodia because the troopers that were there (that he had to withdraw) were not enough.

In Ohio, four students died in protest from the weapons used by the Ohio National guard in protest of what the U.S. was doing in Cambodia.

Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin died during this year as well.

Of course, I was too young to remember all of this. I was just barely born and did not have the wherewithal to really think outside of raw emotion and ultimate need.

Now though, now is a different story.

Now, I wake up with coffee and reported violence much the same way I imagine other folks did when I was born. It roils within me. After 46 years, I’ve been conditioned to it. It really hasn’t changed. It hasn’t evolved in the least.

Obama signed documents stating that Venezuela was a security threat to the United States. Venezuela? He has also backed the DNC nomination for POTUS, Hilary Clinton. She has the luck/power/influence to duck charges from the FBI.

An obvious race war is taking place hidden in obscurity between cries of #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter. Black men are being assassinated by police. Police are being targeted by snipers.

Prince and David Bowie died this year as well.

I worry about the future. Based on what I’m seeing, there will be no significant changes. We are still going to kill each other. We are going to still be an egocentric oligarchy disguised as a democratic republic. We are still going to be a nation of so many sheep being led to Gods-know-where.

We are going still be born with ultimate need and overwhelming emotions. We are going to age and discover that underneath it all, we are all still naked.

It is up to individuals to sound off in the cacophony. It is up to us to try to boost the signal in all of the noise.

There is a better way.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

No Treats


Nap Time


We Need

We need not be invisible.
We need not wear masks.
We need ideals invincible.
We need completed tasks.